Tag Archives: Parenting

Have You Recharged Today?

As we become overloaded with technology and the “social” world we live in, communication gets lost along the way. It is so much easier to “share” and “like”, to type a quick “hey, been awhile, I miss you!”, calling on the phone is so very personal these days.

recharge6I was horribly guilty of this, being a complete and total introvert who prefers books to people, social media pretty much was the best invention ever. I got so bad my husband actually threatened to break my phone.  Reality check. The world was passing me by and I was missing out. I started putting my phone down, engaging with my coworkers, opening doors for the random nurse in the hallway, and best of all, I picked up my pen.

Don’t get me wrong I think technology is wonderful, however all things are best in moderation. 

I have been inspired, my marriage is renewed, I have an overwhelmingly strong bond with my child, because I started engaging my world. However the more I set technology aside the more I took notice of its effect. As I began looking up I realized just how many people move along without ever glancing at their surroundings. They are missing out on all the small and special moments that make life worth living.

recharge5Just the other day I was sitting in the cafeteria on my lunch break ( I should premise that I work in a hospital) and this little boy who was a patient at the time was surrounded by his family. As they were leaving the cafeteria this little boy was in obvious pain and was struggling to walk and a little girl- maybe four years old- whom I presume was his sister ran over to him and grabbed his hand reassuringly with the most loving smile on her face. She supported him as they walked away and it just made my day to be reminded of the good we all have in us, of the gentleness and caring that children so easily express.

Had I been absorbed with an application on my phone I would have missed this precious moment. This is the same reason I try to keep my phone and/or laptop put away at home, and any other place I am with my family, until after everyone is asleep. I want to be present to cherish each moment with my ever growing daughter, I want to give my husband the rapt attention he deserves. We are only given one shot at each day why not make that shot count?

I still shy away from calling when I can send a text or email, however I think it would be beneficial to challenge myself to  connect with others in a more sincere way. Would it not be beneficial for us all to try to reestablish the emotional connection that is hearing one another’s voice?

If we begin to step away from the keyboard, we will realize how rusty our instinctual graces are in the presence of actual breathing, tangible individuals. We have to reboot our brain to work at its regular pace, this overdrive that we pace ourselves at takes a toll. After all, when we are constantly juggling screens and monitors and telephones, it strains our energy to the breaking point. The first thing to go is the empathy, compassion and emotional connection we have for other beings. Emotion in and of its self is very taxing, but an already over-tapped mind will struggle to keep up with general every day connections.

Just as we have to recharge our technology we have to recharge ourselves. Without adequate “vacation” time away from our devices we become emotionally dull. That is we loose our fervor, our zeal, our passion.  How can we connect with each other if we are indifferent? So unplug from the tech world and tune into your surroundings, who knows what magic you might witness.