Guest Post:
Although this site bears my name; it is about invoking change personally and thus changing the world; something that cannot be done by oneself. Therefore I invite others to contribute to this site by way of a guest post. This can be a post you create specifically for this site, or content previously published elsewhere: your own site if you are also a blogger or an excerpt from your book or article if you’re a writer (obviously you need to be the copyright owner of any content you wish to contribute).
Given the theme of the site, I am interested in posts related to “changing the world by changing yourself”. In particular I am interested in topics about:
- personal change
- challenges to making change
- success stories of change and how it positively impacted others
- tips for making change easier
Posts should be 300-1000 words long.
You should include a byline with the relevant links you want my readers to see.
You will retain copyright ownership for any content you contribute, however, by offering it for a guest post, you are granting me a sole purpose publishing right. That is I can use it indefinitely on my site only; You are NOT granting me the right to knowingly republish elsewhere or sell the content without your written permission. However, as this is a public site, there is nothing I can do to prohibit readers from copying the content published here.
Include any specific image as an attachment (or a link to where I can download it) or a description of any image you want inserted at a specific point in the post. Alternatively, you can leave images to me to find and insert. Keep in mind that images that identify specific individuals need to either be available from a public photo site like istockphoto or you need to have written permission of the individual to post that image. Therefore I will need, either a copy of that written permission or confirmation that the image is publicly available.
I will do some minor editing and formatting so that the post fits my blog as best it can, but I will leave the majority of the content alone as it represents your writing and not mine. I will email it back to you so that you can see any changes I make and help me edit it prior to publication.
Comments are an important part of any blog; Engaging those who write comments on a post enhances the blog experience, therefore, I’ll invite you to join me in doing so on the day of your post. Accordingly, I will also schedule with you an appropriate day for it’s publication PRIOR to publishing it.
Email the post along with the byline to me here.
You should put the text within the email itself instead of including it as an attachment.
I will respond to your email within 2 – 3 business days, however it may take me up to 2 weeks to review the submission and respond. If you haven’t heard from me by then, please feel free to send an email asking me about it’s status.